12 Dec 2014

10 Dec 2014

Using illustrator

Adobe Illustrator 

Work in progress

I scanned my drawing in to the computer and made the lines smooth so that they look nice close up.

7 Dec 2014

Photoshop brushes design

Photoshop brushes design


This is my page of pattern designs for photoshop brushes...

5 Dec 2014

Pattern design - lyric book

Pattern design

Lyric book

This is my design for my grid pattern.I chose the lyric from page 5 and drew things like planets, maps and veins as they link in with the song.

4 Dec 2014

Finished design page 1 - song book

Finished design

Songbook page 1

This is my finished design for my first page. the lyric talks about a "class clown" and a "beauty queen in tears".

28 Nov 2014

Banknote - finished design


Finished design

Here is my finished design! I wanted to make it colourful but at the same time have a message. It's message is the value of money. For example the house at the end would think nothing of £52, however, for the house at the start it would be a miracle.

Banknote progress


Work in progress

More colour adding...

Bank note design


Adding colour

This is an extra project that I wanted to finish at home. I scanned in my design and have so far added colour and multiplied like I did on my type design.

Work in progress - song book

Work in progress 


Screenshots of my work in progress. so far I have added colour to the line and filled in the block colour. I have just added the dot pattern to the hair and hat...

27 Nov 2014

Design change - songbook

Design change


I have decided to change my design because I didn't feel that the other one looked right...

19 Nov 2014

15 Nov 2014

Planning page content


This is my plan for my lyrics book. On the left I have written out what I want to draw, and on the right I have written out the lyrics for each page.

7 Nov 2014

Brainstorming lyrics

Lyrics planning


These are my 2 plans for my songbook. I chose to do Tennis court by Lorde...

5 Nov 2014

Final piece for second design

Final piece


This is my final design for my second piece, however, I think my first one is better because I used a wider range of techniques. On this design I just used a simple colour. I still spent a lot of time on it but I think it could be better.

Work in progress - second design


Work in progress

More screen shots of my work in progress...

Second design - types


Work in pregress

This is my second design...

15 Oct 2014

Naming my types



This is my title for my font...

What I did


What I did...

First I copied the letters into the new document. I then selected them and added colour, then I added another colour behind it and multiplied it so that it overlapped.

Work in progress

Work in progress


Close ups of my work in progress...

Work in progress



This is my work in progress. I have coloured my font in photoshop.




I scanned my types into the computer so that they would be ready for photoshop.

3 Oct 2014


Types homework


These are my 2 alphabet designs, the first is a mixture of types (modelled by Henry), and the second is type for the entire alphabet.

2 Oct 2014




Inspiration for my designs...

Finished product - business cards

Making of my business cards

Finished product

These are my finished products...

Making my cards

Making of my business cards


After scanning, I added colour and text from photoshop. These are my final designs for the front and back


Making of my business cards


I drew out a few designs and chose the ones on the right hand side, I then scanned them onto the computer and edited them on photoshop.

1 Oct 2014


Making of my business cards


The first thing I did was research on Pinterest for inspiration. In the end I decided to make up my own design.