25 Feb 2015

Guilia Sagramola art

Guilia Sagramola

Black and white photography

First I browsed Pinterest and gathered some black and white photos together. I ended up choosing a picture of 3 little boys so I can illustrate them with crowns and capes as that is the theme of the lyrics.

13 Feb 2015

Creating Brushes on illustrator

Creating brushes

I scanned my brushes into my computer and edited them onto illustrator...

11 Feb 2015

Creating illustrator brushes

Illustrator brushes

These are my designs for my brushes that I made using a ruler and art materials like chalk, fine liner and ink.

4 Feb 2015

Gipi final design


Final design

This is my favourite picture out of the 5, I edited the levels and saturation using photoshop...

Work in progress -Gipi


Work in progress

Screen shots from photoshop editing...

3 Feb 2015

Gipi inspired art



These are some of my designs for the Gipi inspired work. I found it quite hard at first and my favourite is the one of the trainers and the tennis ball

2 Feb 2015

Creating my brushes


These are my brushes that I edited in photoshop. The original patterns in them are from my pen and water grid page.